Something I forgot to add: Over the weekend, a very typically Midwestern looking man emailed me on that web site, and in his pictures he was surrounded by typically Midwestern looking people, and although I am undoubtedly Midwestern, I am atypical, and so are the people I surround myself with, but his email was respectful; he thought we had something in common. I couldn't quite tell what that could be, considering his obsession is sports and mine are teaching, writing, and rock, but I emailed him back anyway. He wanted to chat, but about what, he couldn't tell me. "I'm open to anything," he wrote, and asked if I used any messaging services. I'm on AIM, but I don't just randomly give out my AIM ID to just anyone. Granted you can always later block the person, but it just seems like a really lazy way to get to know someone. I asked what he thought we had in common, and he still just talked about chatting, so I said look, the convo would need to start here, and then, no reply...Either I was being too difficult, or he had nothing to say. I am inclined to think it's more of the latter, but it doesn't really matter anyway...I am more proud that I let my guard down a little instead reacting like usual--ignoring the guy because he doesn't fit the standard profile I like guys to fit into...
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I appreciate the three thoughtful and one vulgar comments people posted in response to the previous entry. Want more comments!
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Tonight I went to this event at Club Girabaldi called drinking liberally. People just get together, drink, eat chicken wings, and are supposed to talk politics. I went with E, TC, Yells Alot, and The Purveyor of Drunken Sluts (PDS). PDS knew the most people. One of his female friends sat down and asked if Yells Alot's real name meant anything. TC leaned over and said it meant Edna in Chinese. HA! A little while later, another one of PDS's lady friends stopped by and I admired her. She was much older than I but so put together looking, coming from work maybe. She had short, choppy, cropped blonde hair dyed brown underneath, a dusky shade. I like your hair! I exclaimed. She looked at me like I had told her "you are an ugly, stupid bitch," and asked, "YOU DO? Do you WANT it?" in this shocked/condescending type of voice. Okay... I did not speak to any strangers after that, but not because of the lady with the hair issue. I wish I would have. I'm sure some of the people in attendance were interesting. But like PDS pointed out, the event/meeting/whatever needed organization. Someone should've given a little schpiel about the past two weeks' current events, nationally and/or locally, and moderated a brief discussion to provoke conversation. I might go back though, when I'm more socially inclined, even though I was not too impressed with the flavoring of the chicken wings. Everyone was right; Point's East's are better. But we got served at Girabaldi in about 15 minutes or so.
I feel sad and off kilter tonight. I have a student who is taking his frustration out on me and it's preoccupying me. I didn't do anything wrong though, and I'm confident about that for once, so I'm basically just mad that I can't allow myself to feel confident about my teacherly behavior.
Last night I watched the figure skating finally. Those girls are cute. And some of those male speed skaters were hot. The American Silver and Bronze winners...let me get some of that! They are on the right and left of the Italian Gold winner. I don't think he's cute, but he just won a Gold medal, so surely he could give two fucks about what I think...
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I appreciate the three thoughtful and one vulgar comments people posted in response to the previous entry. Want more comments!
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Tonight I went to this event at Club Girabaldi called drinking liberally. People just get together, drink, eat chicken wings, and are supposed to talk politics. I went with E, TC, Yells Alot, and The Purveyor of Drunken Sluts (PDS). PDS knew the most people. One of his female friends sat down and asked if Yells Alot's real name meant anything. TC leaned over and said it meant Edna in Chinese. HA! A little while later, another one of PDS's lady friends stopped by and I admired her. She was much older than I but so put together looking, coming from work maybe. She had short, choppy, cropped blonde hair dyed brown underneath, a dusky shade. I like your hair! I exclaimed. She looked at me like I had told her "you are an ugly, stupid bitch," and asked, "YOU DO? Do you WANT it?" in this shocked/condescending type of voice. Okay... I did not speak to any strangers after that, but not because of the lady with the hair issue. I wish I would have. I'm sure some of the people in attendance were interesting. But like PDS pointed out, the event/meeting/whatever needed organization. Someone should've given a little schpiel about the past two weeks' current events, nationally and/or locally, and moderated a brief discussion to provoke conversation. I might go back though, when I'm more socially inclined, even though I was not too impressed with the flavoring of the chicken wings. Everyone was right; Point's East's are better. But we got served at Girabaldi in about 15 minutes or so.
I feel sad and off kilter tonight. I have a student who is taking his frustration out on me and it's preoccupying me. I didn't do anything wrong though, and I'm confident about that for once, so I'm basically just mad that I can't allow myself to feel confident about my teacherly behavior.
Last night I watched the figure skating finally. Those girls are cute. And some of those male speed skaters were hot. The American Silver and Bronze winners...let me get some of that! They are on the right and left of the Italian Gold winner. I don't think he's cute, but he just won a Gold medal, so surely he could give two fucks about what I think...

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