It's Time for the Vacillator!

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Friday: Work, HUGE Spinach Pie and chunks of Feta at Oakland Gyros and Nice Convo with E…who dithers when shopping for candy. Funnily, she, a non-driver, suggested it might be a bad idea to park in the Walgreen’s parking lot and I cockily waived her worry aside, only to find a $40 ticket slid under my windshield wiper when we exited the Walgreen’s, which we did visit, but not right away. I wonder where they’d put tickets if I just removed my wipers every time I parked somewhere sketchy…

Then to the Budget Cinema to See Walk the Line, as noted below…

(Christie Front Drive)

Saturday: Cleaned the House. It Needed It. Found two Monet Pictures that weren’t Filthy or Cracked or Scratched! Walked to Schwartz’s to Comment on Students Papers, but had to Settle for the Stone Creek Coffee Across the Street.The very cute red-haired boy in my old program at UWM came in a few minutes after I did. He had a little stubble going on. Couldn’t believe he talked out of class like he did in class. No MORE theory! Ayyyyi! But he’s so cute. And smart. I can break it down, but it just gives me a headache; I don’t wanna talk in theory speak. There’s no need…Talking to him just reaffirmed my awkward social status: part smarty pants academic, part working class punk rock who gives a shit chick.

(Queens of the Stone Age)

To the grocery store to buy a Swanson Fried Chicken Dinner. I know it’s overloaded with sodium and fat but I love that damn frozen chicken. It is so tacky and bad it’s comforting. Return phone calls. Hurriedly eat and finish commenting on remaining 5 papers.

Go to Bec’s and then down to 6th and National to See the Vagina Monologues. Lackluster performance. Everyone read while sitting down and reading from scripts. Some of the women’s voices carried--the monologue about all the different orgasm moans women emit is always enjoyable (Bad Religion) --but some of the women’s voices just didn’t carry, and some of them hardly made eye contact with the audience. At least it was only $5 and the cash went to this organization (more Bad Religion) that helps abused women.

On a whim decided to stop by Foundation quickly. Tony the Sergeant was in Town so I talked to him for a long time and for little bit to The Scot. I really wanted to get some advice from WCZ but it didn’t work out too well. My old neighbor Jesse came in too. The DJ played Big Star. Then it got too loud for me, and the alcohol started to hit me--just a bit, but enough for me to know that one more would push me to that emotion edge alcohol’s been pushing me too (Minor Threat) lately…Goddamn the Lonely! Goddamn the Cowards! Goddamn the Games! For nothing! Fuckkkkkk! At least I got a new lady friend I can commiserate with….
(Velvet Underground)

Sunday: Work! Lots of Work! Work at Schwartz, Reconfiguring the Stitch Syllabus. I crammed too many lessons and readings too closely together. I always push too hard. I have to understand they aren’t on the same wavelength as mean. They can’t process all the rules regarding academic writing, quote use, organization, and grammar, as quickly as me. One step at a time. If I slow it down and show them steps, I’m sure their writing will improve too. There’s a few strong writers in my classes though> they at least possess a decent vocabulary. I hate teaching the traditional academic essay, but it’s still in use, and it does have some value, and a lot of their teachers in other disciplines will expect traditional academic essays, so….it’s my job. So lots of work. Then to the store to hang for a bit, and type up the comments for the students so that they are more legible. Think I got it together for Tuesday, we’ll see….lots of thoughts whirling around the Jen brain but gonna stifle the bitches with Grey’s Anatomy now…. VU just ending.


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