It's Time for the Vacillator!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter Weekend

Friday: Worked a half day because I put in more hours on Thurs because classes were canceled for Easter. 80 degrees in Wisconsin in April. Managed to be somewhat productive and took my car down to an independently owned shop to get an oil change and a tune up. Sassyj and I checked out two girlie stores on Farwell but I didn’t see anything that I liked.

The hot weather was making me so antsy, but I was so tired. I went home afterwards and rested for a bit, then made a very mediocre, nutrition less meal and got in a quick walk down to the lake and back. Couldn’t decide what to do. I hate that feeling. Call this person, call that person, go to this same place I always go, go to that other place I always go, stalk friend who works at bar. No, not appealing. There was someone I really wanted to hang with but something made resist making the call. Just not a very fulfilling day, although I did talk to someone else who seems somewhat fun on the phone. Seems. Don’t know yet.

Saturday: Woke up to a missed call from Sassyj, who was about to take her about-to-turn-four-year-old-son to the zoo. Then, she suggested, we could go shop at H & M, as we hadn’t checked out the new store at Brookfield Square yet. I had to race to get ready--didn’t even get in my morning poop! On a Saturday--but it was worth it. I got to feast on some leftover Dinotots (Dinosaur shaped hash browns featured on the kids’ menu at Baker’s Square, but I’d recommend them to anyone) and macaroni and cheese. I hadn’t been to the Milwaukee zoo in 10 years at least, maybe longer. It was not aesthetically pleasing because the leaves haven’t sprung from the trees yet, but it was cool watching Ben react to the animals and I LOVE bears and got to see a black bear--it woke up just as I was about to leave--and the tiger was really cool. I always slightly cringe at zoos because really the amount of space these animals have is way too limited, but I still think it’s good for kids to learn about animals.

I spent way too much money at H & M. I enjoyed doing so, don’t get me wrong, but I still feel a little guilty. Oh well, let’s see if I can hold out and not go there again until fall. We ended our long day by chowing on some Taco Bell. Bad! But gooooood!

I was soooo tired after being outdoors in the very pleasant high sixties weather and experiencing the there‘s-so-much-I-want at H & M rush, so I rested for awhile when I got home, then went to Blockbuster to rent Crash, and Stage Beauty, starring Ms Danes (it’s average--it’s set in the 1800s when women weren’t allowed to act on stage, and Billy Crudup’s character was a well known actor who played Desdemona in Othello, and his whole identity was called into question after the King reversed the order and Claire’s character and other women were allowed to act on stage. Of course it was more about the man’s identity confusion, but it was still pretty interesting, and slightly amusing at times) and my phone starting ringing and vibrating--2 calls and 2 texts in like 15 minutes! I ended up meeting up with a friend from Racine who was looking very cute, and we had some drinks at Comet, with another boy from Racine I recently met who is very Racine-like (sassy mouthed), and hung out at Riverhorse, Foundation and Uptowner.

On the way back to our cars, this fucking Arab guy slapped me on the ass so hard it stung for about an hour. I really should have punched him or at least kicked the fuck out of his shin--what else can a short, petite girl do?!?!--but I just cussed him out. I was pleased the guys didn’t get all macho, but was amused that one of their main concerns was “How could he do that when she’s with two dudes?” Men and their egos! ;)

When I got back to my house, I saw the bunny that hangs out in my courtyard all the time--no surprise but still pleasant--AND I saw a hunchback raccoon leisurely hanging out! I love animalz!!

Didn’t get a lot of sleep but somehow managed to get through Easter Sunday at my grandma’s. It was the usual--my uncle farting at the dinner table and throwing insults in my grandma’s direction, to which she responded “Up your ass, buddy!” Oh, grandma! My role model! I ate half a fucking rotisserie chicken, two servings of potatoes, carrots, green beans, two helping of that really bad for you fluffy pistachio pudding shit with fruit which queerly tasted so good, tons of olives and celery, a piece of cherry pie and a smidgeon of apple pie, and later I even tasted the dead pig! Ham! Man I just want to eat a lot of meat.

When we were leaving, my grandma offered some of my deceased (hi grandpa!) grandpa’s wildlife/nature/etc books. I took the two I remember frequently perusing as a child-- Hamond Nature Atlas of America and Birds of America. I don’t need any more books, but memories of my grandpa, I’ll take.


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