Nov/Dec issue. I think I am subscribed now, via a bday gift, so this will be a regular feature on my blog. I've had this issue sitting around awhile. It helps me remember things if I write them down, so this blog is mainly for me, but I hope something perks someone's interest.
* The "nation's only nonprofit ad agency" is called Serve, and it's located right here in Milwaukee. They did those teen pregnancy ads that drew a bit of attention.
* There is group called Flocabulary out of NYC, of course, that combines vocab lessons with hip hop beats. Their text is at mainstream bookstores, apparently. I might have to check this out, maybe include it in my grammar class and see what the kids think.
* "Ludology" is now occurring at many universities; the term refers to video games as a subject of study.
* A lot of folks may have heard of this site, but if you haven't, and you are a chick who gets pissed when men harrass you on the street, check it out:
* You can watch Middle Eastern news in English at
* Organic farms are good for the environment so, in turn, they help attract more bird species and more healthy plants grow (duh?)
* There's a lobbying group that has commercials PROMOTING the release of carbon dioxide (DUH!)
* The company Allerca has scientists fucking with cats' genetic make-up, thereby producing what are supposed to be allergy-free-for-humans kitties that may or may not live "normal, healthy lives." They cost just under $4,000. Uh...
* There is now a film college in Baghdad. Some of the films sound pretty interesting, and of course it's insane what the students go through while trying to complete these films.
* Who is Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple. They were anti-racist and egalitarian but he poisoned people via their kool-aid? What? Am I really clueless for not knowing about this group?
* There's a cute-sounding black and white Polish film called "The Big Animal" that is about some neighborhood folks and a camel. Yep, a camel.
* If you care about transgender issues, you may want to check out a performer named Scott Turner Schofield. Dude is trying to edumacate more general audiences. He was a dyke during high school and was very accepted, but still tried to kill himself two times. I think he feels better now that he is out as trans.
* Okay, this is crazy: There is this small island called Nauru which used to be colonized by Australia, but now the country's autonmous. I don't think I've ever heard of it. About 10,000 people live on it, and 80% of the land has been "denuded" (made bare--isn't this the same as eroded?!) due to phosphate mining! The president admits he has no idea what will become of the land or the people in twenty years. The island prospered for a long time, but went into debt funding some fucking play about Da Vinci that ran in London! It cost them $4 million. Then they lost another $8.5 million in some "bank note" scam. Pretty intense.

* Dance Dance Revolution has been found to help kids lose weight, and to help calm kids with mental disorders.
There are a bunch of features about NASA and some journalist, but I skipped though. I love this magazine! It keeps me informed and makes me feel smart and cultured, although I don't know where I'm going to find that movie about the Polish camel.
* The "nation's only nonprofit ad agency" is called Serve, and it's located right here in Milwaukee. They did those teen pregnancy ads that drew a bit of attention.
* There is group called Flocabulary out of NYC, of course, that combines vocab lessons with hip hop beats. Their text is at mainstream bookstores, apparently. I might have to check this out, maybe include it in my grammar class and see what the kids think.
* "Ludology" is now occurring at many universities; the term refers to video games as a subject of study.
* A lot of folks may have heard of this site, but if you haven't, and you are a chick who gets pissed when men harrass you on the street, check it out:
* You can watch Middle Eastern news in English at
* Organic farms are good for the environment so, in turn, they help attract more bird species and more healthy plants grow (duh?)
* There's a lobbying group that has commercials PROMOTING the release of carbon dioxide (DUH!)
* The company Allerca has scientists fucking with cats' genetic make-up, thereby producing what are supposed to be allergy-free-for-humans kitties that may or may not live "normal, healthy lives." They cost just under $4,000. Uh...
* There is now a film college in Baghdad. Some of the films sound pretty interesting, and of course it's insane what the students go through while trying to complete these films.
* Who is Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple. They were anti-racist and egalitarian but he poisoned people via their kool-aid? What? Am I really clueless for not knowing about this group?
* There's a cute-sounding black and white Polish film called "The Big Animal" that is about some neighborhood folks and a camel. Yep, a camel.
* If you care about transgender issues, you may want to check out a performer named Scott Turner Schofield. Dude is trying to edumacate more general audiences. He was a dyke during high school and was very accepted, but still tried to kill himself two times. I think he feels better now that he is out as trans.
* Okay, this is crazy: There is this small island called Nauru which used to be colonized by Australia, but now the country's autonmous. I don't think I've ever heard of it. About 10,000 people live on it, and 80% of the land has been "denuded" (made bare--isn't this the same as eroded?!) due to phosphate mining! The president admits he has no idea what will become of the land or the people in twenty years. The island prospered for a long time, but went into debt funding some fucking play about Da Vinci that ran in London! It cost them $4 million. Then they lost another $8.5 million in some "bank note" scam. Pretty intense.

* Dance Dance Revolution has been found to help kids lose weight, and to help calm kids with mental disorders.
There are a bunch of features about NASA and some journalist, but I skipped though. I love this magazine! It keeps me informed and makes me feel smart and cultured, although I don't know where I'm going to find that movie about the Polish camel.
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