Corn Mo opened, much to my delight. He's so funny, snarky, yet humble, and I've never heard him be so chatty before either! He played a second set later on too, complete with a karaoke presentation of some crazy Jewish song he performed with his rock band at some bar mitzvah. His voice really can match any of the rock-opera sounding people like Freddie Mercury (he covered We Are the Champions) or Meatloaf. He talked about how the first time he came he was running to the bus. Poor young boys and their uncontrollable wood. He talked a lot about penises actually, and made fun of some old ladies. I always enjoy him. I wish I wasn't so tired otherwise I would've waited around after the show to see if he wanted to visit some MKE bars. Maybe someone else did though. The crowd liked him. The whole show was pretty good, except that there was a really long half hour gap between Corn Mo's 'warm up the crowd' set and the beginning of the actual show, which was similar to some of the events I'd seen in NYC at the Parkside Lounge (think that's the name). Pontani Sisters didn't impress me that much becuase they just danced, no acrobatics, although Shank's Stage isn't really large enough for al ot of that. They looked good though; the one girl had tattoos in odd places which I enjoyed viewing.
My favorite performer was Miss Trixie and her Monkey ...forgive me if the names aren't exactly right this morning. She and the moneky guy did some acrobatics and during the first act she had these feathers, and busted out in little pasties covering her boobies. Monkey was fucking hilarious. He sang this song, a play on some popular song (sorry, tired) and he even stripped down into this funny monkey costume that revealed his buttocks; nice to see a guy get involved in the nudity once in awhile. He totally got up and sang to one of the gay boys who loves Cheezit and put his booty in his face. Tyler Fyre did his sword swallowing routine and pulled my acquaintance Crack on the stage with him. I wish he didn't have so much clothes on. I remember him being tatted and looking good with less on. The Kitten Deville woman did more of an old school routine, I think, although I really dont know what I'm talking about. It dragged on a bit too long but was very amusing. Oh and the band used to play at Otto's Shrunken Head when I lived there. Made me miss Brooklyn for sure. It was nice to see an actual event though. Here's some pics--they're fucked up and blurry because no flash was allowed, but I like them anyway.

My favorite performer was Miss Trixie and her Monkey ...forgive me if the names aren't exactly right this morning. She and the moneky guy did some acrobatics and during the first act she had these feathers, and busted out in little pasties covering her boobies. Monkey was fucking hilarious. He sang this song, a play on some popular song (sorry, tired) and he even stripped down into this funny monkey costume that revealed his buttocks; nice to see a guy get involved in the nudity once in awhile. He totally got up and sang to one of the gay boys who loves Cheezit and put his booty in his face. Tyler Fyre did his sword swallowing routine and pulled my acquaintance Crack on the stage with him. I wish he didn't have so much clothes on. I remember him being tatted and looking good with less on. The Kitten Deville woman did more of an old school routine, I think, although I really dont know what I'm talking about. It dragged on a bit too long but was very amusing. Oh and the band used to play at Otto's Shrunken Head when I lived there. Made me miss Brooklyn for sure. It was nice to see an actual event though. Here's some pics--they're fucked up and blurry because no flash was allowed, but I like them anyway.

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