It's Time for the Vacillator!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Friday I went for a walk down by the lake with my friend Jen. She has a gimp knee so we stopped when it popped. Ooh, Tyra's on TV...Farrah Fawcett was on earlier and looked like a drag queen a steroids. I decided I needed ice cream, well custard to be exact, so we headed back north to go to Kopp's. On the way, my battery light went on--ugh, Ray Liotta. Pock marked motherfucker! He makes me feel yucky. So of course the impending charge on my credit card distracted me the rest of the night. I'll already be living on my card for the next month. I am so sick of thinking about that and hearing myself complain about it but being broke, super super big time broke, for even just a month, sucks, as we all know. I ate a hamburger at Kopp's too. They charge $.55 extra for tomatoes. Not for avocado or something that's actually expensive, but for tomatoes. Lame. The burger didn't taste as good as I remember it tasting. I don't think I'll go back to being a big burger eater, only when it's free or the cheapest thing when I need cheap. The banana walnut chocolate chip artery clogging, belly bloating dessert was very good though.

I think I missed best supporting actor--I wonder if sexy Jeremey Piven won. Yes, sexy, I don't care that he has hair plugs.

After Kopps, we went to Foundation, which I was hoping to avoid for at least a month, but there wasn't much else to do and she wanted to see Cheezit. I started babbling about my car immediately upon arrival, and a cool lady and an extremely loud laughing man threw some advice my way. At 7pm, when my minutes kicked in, I called my stepdad. We determined it was either my accelerator or the battery itself. Fuck. Couldn't go to south side to hang with the boys, but Jen wanted to watch a movie anyway, so we saw Heathers at my house. Bob Newhart's still alive? Oh. Funny, Conan just said something like "the majority of callers want you to live." Ha. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. I liked the Heather Chandler character. She was the extreme bitchy high school debutante. The actress who played her died several years ago. Gonna have to research that.

So Saturday afternoon was way too hectic. I like slow, lazy Saturday mornings. Ran the car down to the bank so my stepdad could check out the car. He used this charger device to determine it was probably the accelerator. Thankfully the Firestone on Wells is open weekends, so I was able to drop it there and pick it up at 3pm. In between I had to go pick up Jana and Ben at the airport, drop them off, and then go back home to chill. I was really feeling drained and anxious simultaneously. New job that's why. The Office won best comedy, bleck. I don't get into it at all.

Saturday night I went to Cafe Lulu, Cactus Club and Red Dot with my cool friend Linda, who is engaged to someone I met when I was 17. We were both lamenting the fact that we live so far apart, as we have a lot in common. It does suck because I need more high energy friends to go out with. More more more! At Lulu, (they have GOOD, homemade rhurbarb pie, yummmm!) this Milwaukee rocker relic wannabe was stalking patrons, asking if they were gonna stay and watch his band play later that night. He was walking around in anticipation, rubbing his drumsticks together frantically. The poor waitress felt she had to apologize. I told her not to worry as I recognized him and told her I could handle him just fine. I also saw a friend from back in the p-rock basement days, a real sweetie who is still sooooo cute. And married. Man! But I always like to be reminded good people still exist in Milwaukee.

We saw Couch Flambeau at the Cactus. My energy level began draining quickly after I downed the swill Vodka they served me along with flat seltzer. Fuck that. I'd rather not drink than drink shit, I've decided, although I do have approximately 11 more cans of Pabst to consume before I can really move forward with that plan.

Afterwards we went to the Red Dot for a bit; it's down the street from Champions. It really lacks breathable air inside, but the patio is nice. Might be better for the winter months, the inside bar.

Right now I'm ridiculously tired. I think it's the new BC pill, it sucks. I am tense about the tutor training tomorrow, which is dumb, as I'm only co-leading it. I hardly had to do anything to prepare. I feel lazy because of that, I don't know. I just will feel better when I get a groove going.

24 won best drama, if anyone cares.


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