It's Time for the Vacillator!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Is there extra alcohol in Bell's Amber? I mean really. I had one, then a Riesling wine, (Reisling? eh), and I was all buzzing and singing Vacation all I ever wanted, Vacation had to get away loudly, serenading my friend and her dad. Then I ate some vegetables and wished they were meat. Man, what's become of me? The ice cream shoppe closed before we could procure such desserts, but that's ok, because ice cream atop of wine, beer, cole slaw, and cucumber sauce probably would've sent me straight to bed clenching a huge glass of water and a bottle of tums. Instead I went to the Foundation to say hi to Cheezit.

I took the highway and exited at Locust. Headed south on Bremen and motherfuck, there's a cop on a motorcycle half blocking the street. I'm all hopped up, blaring Sonic Youth's Dirty Boots, so I ignore him and attempt to drive around him. He stops me and starts yelling at me for driving on the wrong side of the street. But I was trying not to hit your motorcycle! I exclaimed. I mean, duh, dude! Well can't you see the street's blocked off! he scolded. God I kept expecting him to demand me out of my car to walk the line. But since I look so innocent, and kept telling him I was just too distracted by my music, the Sonic Youth, he let me pass. He seemed jumpy and tense. I drove up Weil and down the alley to Foundation, where there was one spot awaiting me. Thank God. Otherwise I would have had to gone home. I don't walk more than a fourth of a block from my vehicle to the bar in that hood. And seeing multiple squad cars down Center just shows fucked up shit's still occuring. Maybe it was just some dumb drug bust or something. I'll have to check the papers and web sites tomorrow. Good thing I didn't have an extra glass of wine and hit that motherfucking cop though. That'd look GrEAT on my record, being a teacher and all....


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